Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Does TV really rot your brain

                      I have always been told if I watch too much tv my brain will rot. These group of scientists say watching tv may be one of the leading causes to ADD. They did a test on people it showed those who watched more tv tend to have more mental health problems than those who did not watch as much. The problem with watching tv is you are not really engaging your brain like in school. That is why we like to watch tv because we do not have to think too hard about it we just process what is going on. Did you parents ever turn on baby Einstein when you were little? It is shown that under the age of two the child does not even know what is going on, it distracts them from play their development relies on voices to learn how to speak and all of that. It sounds like a good idea to turn on the tv to get them to stop crying or to calm down but does not teach them how to play on their own. Interactive tv shows like Barney, Blues Clues, and Sesame Street are the best for your child. They are being entertained but at the same time learning. Watching tv or being on a electronic device before going to sleep is not a good idea, by doing that you brain is not slowing down and may not let you sleep through the night peacefully. The good news is as long as we watch shows that actually are important our brains will not rot is it ok to sneak in the occasional entertaining but not good for you tv show.

"About." Gibson Newborn Services RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2014.

"Brain Fitness Is Now Recognized as a Key Ingredient in Our Overall Well Being and Quality of Life." Does Television Rot Your Brain? N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2014.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Shark bites

I have done a huge amount of research on shark bites to understand who is the most feared. It is to be believed that the great white should and usually is the most feared shark due to its size. A great white is 24 feet long that's pretty big and scary. It has a bite force of 9,300 Newtons in their front teeth and in their back teeth it is 18,200 Newtons of snapping power. It has been shown that a bull shark has the strongest bite. They are an infamous man eater, have a stronger bite than a hammer shark, great white, and tiger shark. May have a strong bite due to the appetite for turtles to crunch through the shell. Bull sharks have a very high tolerance for fresh water an have been known to swim very far upstream. Bull sharks bite is 6,000 Newtons in the back and 2,000 in the front of their jaw. They are usually about 8 feet long. The difference is that great white have a huge amount of snapping power but  not a very strong bite. The most ferocious sharks are the great white, hammer head, bull shark, black tip shark, and horn shark. It is believed that the attacks that inspired the movie jaws was actually by bull sharks.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Why do sharks attack

          Sharks kill and attack 10 humans on average per year. There have been four million years of sharks, but it would only take us one century to wipe them out. We kill 20-30 million sharks annually. The number of sharks is lower but the attacks are staying the same or rising. In Mexico all the criminal activity has caused many bodies to be dumped in the water. They believe from the sharks regularly eating human flesh they have grown and appetite for the flesh. Sharks usually do not hunt humans. The sharks are used to the thick fatty layer of a seal so we happen to not be as tasty,sometimes they just want to investigate and take a quick bite. There are three different types of attacks that might occur. One is called a hit and run where they take a quick bite and swim away, but since they have LOTS of teeth they leave a lot of damage. One of the attacks is called a sneak attack it is just like it sounds just out of the blue. Another one is called a bump and bite it is very common. They will kind of swim around bump into you one or maybe more to catch of guard and the bite down. The sharks can smell a drop of blood from over two miles away. Most people attacked by sharks die from loss of blood and not the injuries. Sand bar happen to be a popular hangout and feeding place for sharks because of all of the fish. It is not a good idea to wear a bright swimsuit in murky water because the contrast may attract sharks. It is also not a good idea to where jewelry because it appears a fish scales. 

Why Do Sharks Attack? : Discovery Channel." Discovery Channel. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Jan. 2014.

Visit discovery channel it has some cool videos on sharks and gives lots of good information